Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I only have five days left at work before I go on vacation! I'm going to Palma de Mallorca, as usual. Oh I really need some sun and beach-time! Summer here in Sweden is good but not the best when it comes to the weather! Okey Emma, Only five more days to go and then PARADISE!

Who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway? Cliché, Cliché...

Monday, July 15, 2013

What have you been up to?

A good-bye-dinner for my brother!

You like burgers? Go to Flipping Burgers!mmh

Tellin' ya! Best place in town to eat a burger!(They also have Ben & Jerry milkshakes!) 

Even when I have the day off I find myself at Happy! Here with my friend Laura!

And... Happy Again! Here I'm drinking a Mojito with Piña Colada flavor! Big like!

Exercising before work on a pier to gain some energy! 

Well, thank you for asking! I have been working my ass off! haha! But I've also been having a peaceful and relaxed time when having a day off. So my brother has moved to New York City to study at New York Film Academy School! So nice for him! And since it summer break not many friends are home so I've been chillin' with the few friends left on my two days off! I realize that it may come off as if I don't like my work - Wrong! I love it! I work as an waitress at a restaurant called Happy. The place is amazing, it just by the sea! And the food is incredible!